Iphone Calendar Gone Blank

The First Thing To Try If Your iPhone Screen Goes White (And What To Try Next)

A solid white, unmoving screen on an iPhone is generally a result of one of two critical system errors. The first possible cause is a problem with a software update. If your iPhone’s firmware was updated improperly, whether by some kind of errant corruption or failed jailbreaking efforts, the whole thing goes dead. The phone itself is fine, but its proverbial brain is stuck.

On the flip side, the cause could be a severe hardware problem right behind the screen. In most iPhones, there’s a single, vital cable that connects the device’s motherboard to the screen. If that cable breaks or becomes loose for some reason, the screen won’t be able to interface with the motherboard, even if it’s powered. This can happen as a result of general wear and tear over time, as well as repeated hard drops.

If the cause is a hardware problem, there isn’t much you can do, but if it’s a software problem, there are a few things you can try.

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Using iPhone Calendar Screen Frozen - Apple Community